Radio Transmissions (Audio)

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1970 [Click to Download]

2002 [Click to Download]

2004 [Click to Download]

Tucson Convention Center Fire

2008 [Click to Download]

522 W. Rillito St 061108

2009 [Click to Download]

2010 [Click to Download]

Car Wash 3410 N. First
10112712 4200 S. Harrison
Garage 8967 E. Fairway
House 9143 E. Rainsage

2011 [Click to Download]

Part One Santa Crus River 1
Part Two Santa Cruz River 2

2012 [Click to Download]

12081203 300 South Park 1
12081203 300 South Park 2

2013 [Click to Download]

2014 [Click to Download]
2015 [Click to Download]

2016 [Click to Download]
16032204 820 E Grande
2017 [Click to Download]